This Is How We Hand Things In... mr. Mac's Virtual Existence

This is how we hand things in.. mr. macThis is how we hand things in.. mr. mac

Our MAC Address API outputs a field called macAddressDetails.virtualMachine. If it detects that a Virtual Machine is using this MAC address, it outputs its vendor name (e.g. ”VMWare”). Otherwise, it outputs “Not detected”.


VIRTUAL REALITY HISTORY, APPLICATIONS, TECHNOLOGY AND FUTURE - 3 -. BOOM – commercialized in 1989 by the Fake Space Labs. BOOM is a small box containing two CRT monitors that can be viewed through the eye holes. In the Name, the Virtual Machine window, name the virtual machine and virtual machine directory. I personally would put it on a different drive than the system drive. Select the size for the new virtual disk in the Specify Disk Capacity window. This is the virtual disk to be installed macOS. It also promises to take simulations to another level, especially for things such as for flight simulators on Mac. The situation with VR gaming on Mac however is another story entirely as we’ve already covered. As we’ve seen, things will only get better for Virtual Reality on Mac in 2021.

To detect the Virtual Machines, we build our VM Knowledge Base, which stores information about known relations between MAC addresses and Virtual Machines, and patterns, based on which the Virtual Machines assign MAC addresses to the virtual network interfaces.

This information comes from the two sources:

  • The operating system on Apple's computers and laptops, macOS, is stable, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing (the upcoming Big Sur update is especially pretty and clean). But Apple doesn't often.
  • Mac antivirus products come in two main flavors.Some focus solely on the Mac platform, while others, like Norton 360 Deluxe (for Mac), are simply the macOS manifestation of a multi-platform product.
  • We constantly scan the Internet for such information. It’s systemized, stored and verified.
  • Our research team installed the Virtual Machines and performed experiments, trying to identify patterns on how their network interfaces receive MAC addresses.
This Is How We Hand Things In... mr. Mac

Virtual Machine’s MAC ranges

Detection rules which don't have their dedicated page yet

This Is How We Hand Things In... mr. Mac

This Is How We Hand Things In.. Mr. Mac's Virtual Existence Key

Virtual Machine NameOUI or rangeReferences
Red Hat Xen, XenSource, Novell Xen00:16:3E:00:00:00 to 00:16:3E:FF:FF:FF
Microsoft SCVMM (System Center Virtual Machine Manager)00:1D:D8:B7:1C:00 to 00:1D:D8:F4:1F:FF
Microsoft Virtual PC / Virtual Server00:03:FF:00:00:00 to 00:03:FF:FF:FF:FF
SWsoft00:18:51:00:00:00 to 00:18:51:FF:FF:FF
bhyve by FreebsdF58:9C:FC:00:00:00 to 58:9C:FC:FF:FF:FF
Nutanix AHV50:6B:8D:00:00:00 to 50:6B:8D:FF:FF:FF
KVM (proxmox)54:52:00:00:00:00 to 54:52:FF:FF:FF:FF
Hetzner vServer (based on KVM and libvirt)96:00:00:00:00:00 to 96:00:FF:FF:FF:FF Self tested

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This Is How We Hand Things In.. Mr. Mac's Virtual Existence City

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